White Ribbon Australia is a part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence. They strive for an Australian society where all women and children are safe.
White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to end men’s violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create new opportunities for men to build positive, healthy and respectful relationships.
The White Ribbon Australia movement works through a primary prevention approach in communities, schools and workplaces across the country. Through their numerous programs and campaigns, they engage with men to become active in the social change needed to stop men’s violence against women and children.
Most men share a belief that violence against women and children is never acceptable. White Ribbon Australia invites men to be part of a movement to eliminate gendered violence.
Australia needs men to join us in thinking about the opportunities they have to make lasting change in attitudes and behaviours that ensure the safety and wellbeing of women and children. Men speaking to other men about violence against women is a powerful catalyst for change.
White Ribbon Australia’s focus is on mobilising men in their own communities to eliminate gendered violence and provide an opportunity for men to discuss the complexities that influence attitudes and behaviours that contribute to violence against women.
Their work is evidence-based and supported by national and international research. By working alongside other organisations, including their National Plan Partners ANROWS and Our WATCH, they can make real change to stop violence against women and children, and build communities that are safe and supportive for everyone.
Find out more at https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/